Saturday, January 29, 2011

Bids for Kids

The MOMS club of Stevensville/South St. Joseph is proud to sponsor our service project this year, Bids for Kids. This is a silent auction and dinner that will benefit 3 foundations that help kids from our chapter (one of them being Jackson!). These foundations are Make-a-Wish Foundation, FIRST Foundation, and the M-CM Network. I am especially excited to help raise funds for the M-CM network since it is close to my heart and to help increase awareness. So please check out the website listed above and come out on March 26 to support all 3 of these great foundations! If you are not able to attend you can also donate using the form on the website (or you can contact me and I will get your money to the right place).

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

One year ago today...

I walked down a long hall and into a white sterile surgical room. I placed Jackson on a table while the anesthesiologist placed a mask on his face and gave I him a kiss goodbye not being completely sure what the outcome would be when he would wake up again. I cannot believe that a year has already passed since Jackson's decompression surgery. Even though that day was filled with anxiety, Eric and I can honesty say that we were not fearful. Just recently we talked about how at peace we felt that day while waiting for Jackson to come out of surgery. I know that only that kind of peace can come from God. We definitely felt everyone's prayers that day.

Today I look at Jackson and cannot believe how far we have come. Prior to surgery Jackson could only lift up his head. In the past year he has learned to sit, crawl, and is now pulling himself up next to furniture. He also has so much more of a personality and is such a happy little boy. Sure, developmentally Jackson is way behind, but I honestly can say that does not bother me anymore. Jackson will do things in his own time and we just rejoice with each milestone whenever he reaches it. Jackson's syndrome use to define our family and it completely consumed us. I feel that we have move past this and yes, it is still a large part of our life, but it does not define us. Jackson has brought us so much joy and he also seems to bring out the best in others. We have felt so much love from so many people who have supported us along the way and we are truly grateful.

"God doesn't give you only what you can handle, He is there so you can handle what you are given."

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas 2010

Our Christmas this year was so much fun. We spent a lot time with family and ate a lot of food. On Thursday night we started a new tradition and had a birthday party for Jesus. Basically we ate cake, sang "Happy Birthday" to Jesus and read the nativity story.

On Christmas eve morning we celebrated Christmas with just our family. We opened presents and had a big breakfast.

Jackson still does not understand Christmas, but loves all the attention that he gets.

This year, Annika was so excited for Christmas. She woke me up at 5:30am to see if it was time to get up yet.

Annika with the princess doll that she had been asking for.
Next, we went to visit my Grandma Berghorst for the afternoon then headed to my parents for Christmas Eve.

Grandpa and Grandma with all the grandkids. Annika loves to have so many cousins to play with!
It gets a little crazy with so many little kids running around, but it is so much fun!

Eric with Adelyn and Ella

Jackson and Grandma Prins

Next we headed to Eric's parents, where we spent the night and celebrated with them Christmas morning along with Uncle Chuck, Aunt Michelle, and Zoe

Zoe and Jackson

Annika with her stocking

Later that afternoon we went to the Keen Christmas Party (Eric's grandparents & extended family)
Annika was suppose to wear her Christmas dress, but I could not get her to take off her princess gown that she got from her cousins Graysen and Max.

Jackson and Mayom

Great Grandpa Keen and Jackson
We had a very busy Christmas, but we feel so very blessed to be able to spend it with family and friends. And most of all thank you God for the gift of your precious Son!