Thursday, February 25, 2010

Andrews visit

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Jackson made a guest apperance at Andrews University for a physical therapy class. Jackson's physical therapist is also a professor here and so she asked for Jackson to do a therapy session with her for her students to watch. Jackson must of liked the audience because he did GREAT! He actually even did some things that he hardly ever does. I was so impressed and proud of him. It was really fun for me to once again see how much he has progressed in the past few months. When I tell people that I have a 14 month old who cannot even sit on his own yet it would seem that he has progressed very little, but when I look back even just a few months and he could not even hold up his head well or wouldn't reach for an object I realize how far we have come. Over the past year we have made so many trips for tests, therapies, and doctors appointments. I did not realize how busy we were until Eric and I were doing taxes and figuring out our medical expenses. I have made 77 trips with Jackson and put over 4,000 miles on our car in the past year. Looking at Jackson I can say that it has all been worth it, but I am hoping for a year with a little less stress. I do not think that we can ever thank everyone for all of the help and support that we have received. An especially big thank you to our parents for all of their hours spent watching Annika and all of their support.


  1. What a little sweetie! He is such a honey and we just love him to bits. We hope you have a more stress free year this year too! Love ya!

  2. Cool, Jackson! you were showing off for all the students and I'm sure they all fell in love with you!!
