Sunday, April 18, 2010

Look at Me!!

I started walking on the treadmill at physical therapy

and I actually like it.

I look so cute walking. I also have cute braces on my ankles to help keep them from caving inwards. Mommy and Daddy sure are proud of me

Annika also entertains me while I walk. Mommy did put pants on Annika that morning, but she peed in them while at therapy (it makes mommy so frustrated!)
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  1. I was there that morning to see Jackson on the treadmill and I was so proud of him too! We did have quite an eventful morning with Annika's wet pant incident too! I am just amazed at the quality of help that Jackson is getting!

  2. Way to go Jackson!!!
    Better next time right Annika!

  3. Jackson, you are such a cutie pie. Way to go! And that pic of Annika is a classic! What a great facial exzpression!

  4. WAY TO GO JACKSON! Your pictures are just adorable. Glad to hear that Annika is keeping him so entertained during therapy!! :-)
