Saturday, April 14, 2012


I have been neglecting my blog recently and have been busy getting ready for baby #3 to arrive. So here is a little update of what we have been up to recently.

First of all we really enjoyed our unseasonably warm weather. Even the slip and slide came out one day. I got a little too excited and washed all the winter coats and put them away only to have to take them out again this past week.

On March 22 Annika turned 5 years old!

She got some play princess makeup that she loves to make a mess with,
but she thinks that she looks beautiful.

She also got a new bike since her Dora bike was much too small. Now she flies around the block and I can barely keep up.

She had a princess birthday party with family.
Jackson has started climbing up on everything.
His favorite thing to do lately is to climb onto the kitchen table and get whatever I put on it. I probably should make him get off, but I am so happy that he is actually able to do this that I just laugh.
We also went to the Healthworks Children's Museum during spring break and he kept stealing the grocery carts from other kids so that he could push them around.
Now we are just waiting for baby to arrive any day now.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics! Can't wait for that little babe to make his appearance! We are just waiting for the phone call!
